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1 2021 新高考英语读后续写基础与提升 一.从教学情况看,学生续写主要存在四个方面问题:





   二.解决问题 技能提升一 开头的精彩续写 1. An adverb Carefully, he stepped over all the broken glass. Joyfully he skipped up the street. Para 1:

  (201610 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录)Para1:But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again. Immediately, an absolute darkness ruled the forest. (时间副词衔接+环境描写) 2. An adj. phrase Curious to know what was inside, he tiptoed into the dark cave. Unable to say a word, he was rooted to the spot. (201610浙江高考读后续写范文摘录)Para 1: But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again. Desperate and hopeless, Jane knelt down, tears streaming down her face. (并列情绪形容词) (201610 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录)Para 2: It was daybreak when Jane woke up. Weak as she was, she struggled to her feet, continuing searching for assistance. (状态形容词+as/though 引导的倒装句) (201806 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录)Para 1: Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. Afraid that I might hurt the lovely small creature, I automatically let out a cry to stop my horse. (情绪形容词+从句) (201806 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录)Para 2: We had no idea where we were and it got dark. Exhausted and hungry, I wondered if we could find our way back. 3. A participle (-ing or –ed word) Looking around him cautiously, he slipped into the room and softly closed the door. Exhausted, he was glad the race was finally over. (201610 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录) Para1: But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again. Feeling disappointed, Jane had to stay alone for another night. (现在分词+情绪形容词) (201610 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录) Para 2: It was daybreak when Jane woke up. Feeling refreshed, she continued to walk along the stream to find the way out.(现在分词+状态形容词) 4. A conjunction As he walked, he whistled Although he was afraid, he jumped right in. 5. A prepositional phrase At the end of the lane he suddenly stopped. At the sight of the snake, the little girl screamed at the top of her voice. 6. A dialogue or a monologue 2 “Let’s see who gets there first!” Rachel shouted, as she pedaled fast and zoomed past Jenny. “Hold on tight!” My father yelled. We just finished bucking in as the coaster jerked into motion. This was my first roller coaster ride. (201706 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录)Para 1: The car abruptly stopped in front of him. "Get into the car." Paul shouted at Mac. 7. A character Mark is a studious boy who loves reading. His classmates often tease him for being too hardworking and they call him Mr. Smart. One afternoon, while studying at home… 8. An emotion The moment she saw how she did for her Science test, tears started welling up in Tina’s eyes and falling down her cheeks. 9. A setting I closed my eyes to enjoy the gentle breeze and the sounds of the clashing waves. Gently opening my eyes, I saw my parents taking a relaxing stroll along the beach. The cave was dark and everything was silent. I couldn’t even see my hand in front of my face. I knew this adventure was going to be something that I would never forget. (201711 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录)Para 2: We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way. I looked out of the car window, winding rivers, lofty mountains, sunny beaches and deep valleys holding me entirely in their fascination. (视觉+ 环境描写+ 拟人) 10. An action Furry started wagging his tail and running around in circles when he saw his master taking a leash out from the drawer. Furry was all ready for his evening walk. (201711 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录)Para 1: The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brought with us. Dad exchanged a glance with me. Why not camp to satisfy Mom? (动作描写+ 问句衔接) 11. Sound effects BOOM, CRASH! The wind was howling outside of my house. We were having a terrible thunder storm. I was very scared. 12. A question Have you ever been on a self-driving trip? Let me tell you an exciting trip my family took this summer. Why does trouble always follow me around? Do I have a "kick me" sign on my back or something? 技能提升二 动作描写 一、动作描写的原则 1.要精准 使用精准化动作类词汇对动作进行细致描写,用一系列小动作而不用大动作或者用含义比较明确的动词而不用抽象或虚化的动词来描述,可以使描写更加具体生动。试比较下面两句: ①The little boy said sorry to his mother. ②The little boy hung his head and mumbled an apology to his mother. 分析:①句中“said sorry to”不带任何感情色彩,而②句中使用了具体化的表示“说”的动词mumbled,从而使一个不愿意道歉又不得不道歉的小男孩的形象栩栩如生地复现在读者脑海中。

  2.有过程 3 记叙文中有不少动作描写是一连串动作过程的展示。尤其在展示人物个性的动作时,如果我们蜻蜓点水、一笔带过,就很难突出人物形象,也很难给人以深刻的印象,而通过细节描写展现出动作的过程,表现力便会大增。如: ①She went to catch the butterfly. ②She crept along the path, bent over swiftly and cupped her hands around the butterfly gently. 分析:①句在描写主人公捕捉蝴蝶的动作时,没有细节的动作描写,因此显得很平淡。而②句运用了 creep, bend, cup三个连贯的动词生动具体地描述了主人公小心翼翼捕捉蝴蝶的微妙过程,具有极强的画面感。因此,在续写过程中,在必要的地方恰当使用一连串的动词来表示过程,能为文章增添不少色彩。

  3.用修辞 除了在动词上做调整,还可以利用恰当的修辞手法来帮助描写动作。比喻、拟人、夸张等修辞手法都能让动作描写变得更有表现力。

  (1)比喻 ①The old man’s face wrinkled. ②The old man’s face was like a withered apple. (2)拟人 ①My stomach was aching for not eating on time. ② My stomach was punishing me for not eating on time. (3)夸张 ①When she heard the bad news, she cried. ②When she heard the bad news, a river of tears poured out. 分析:上面每组中的②句分别使用了比喻、拟人、夸张的修辞手法,使得动作的描述更加生动形象,更加吸引眼球。

  二、动作描写的素材 1.与“看、听、说”相关的词块 ①listen impatiently 不耐烦地听 ②glare angrily at sb.对某人怒目而视 ③glance around/round the room 扫视房间 ④stare at 凝视 ⑤take a look at 看 ⑥overhear a funny conversation 无意间听到一段好笑的谈话 ⑦remark 评论说 ⑧add 补充说 2.与“跑、跳、行走”等相关的词块 ①walk across a street 步行穿过马路 ②walk arm in arm 臂挽着臂走 ③pace back and forth 来回踱步 ④jump to one’s feet 一跃而起 ⑤walk gracefully 步态优美地走 ⑥rush out of the room 冲出房间 4 技能提升三 心理描写 则 心理描写的原则 1.落实“细微处”描写 在描写人物心理活动时,一定要突出细节,所有的感情都体现在“细微处”,所以尽量不用笼统的词,如smile,cry 等,而用相关的细节性词汇或词组,例如: ①Lily smiled happily. ②Lily wore a shining smile on her face. 分析:①句中“smile”是一个笼统的描述微笑的词汇,而②句中使用了 wore a shining smile,用词组的形式更加突出细节,展示了细微和精致的“微笑”。

  2.体现“多样性”结构 在进行人物心理描写时,尽量避免平铺直叙,可以多采用如非谓语动词的形式,作为谓语动作的伴随状态,从而使得描写到位,并体现语法结构的多样性。如: ①Her eyes were filled with tears,and she offered her sincere thanks to the man. ②Tears filling her eyes,she offered her sincere thanks to the man. 分析:①句在描写心理活动“哭泣”时,用到了 Her eyes were filled with tears。而②句则把这句改成了独立主格结构,运用了 Tears filling her eyes,更显得描写的细致,同时也体现了句式的多样化,展示了高超的语言运用能力。

  3.展示“丰富化”修辞 除了选择细致的心理描写词汇和多样化的句式表达外,提升语言层次的另外一种方式是多使用修辞方法,例如: ①The smile on her face shone like a diamond. ②I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness. 分析:①句中,把“微笑”比喻成“像钻石一样闪闪发光”;而②句中,把“悲伤”比喻成“漂浮在悲伤的海洋里”,展示了用修辞来体现细节描写的丰富。

  二、心理描写的素材 1.与“喜悦和满意”相关的词块 a bright/shining smile 灿烂的微笑 a mixture of excitement and happiness 既兴奋又开心 burst into laughter/burst out laughing 突然大笑起来 be wild with joy/delight 欣喜若狂 be joyful about/at/over 对……很高兴 5 be in high spirits 情绪高涨 be pleased beyond description 快乐难以言表 light up 喜逐颜开 be content/satisfied with 对……满意 be delighted at 对……很高兴 with pleasure 非常乐意 2.与“悲伤和烦恼”相关的词块 be sad at heart 心里悲伤 be down in spirits 情绪低落 an ocean of sadness 悲伤的海洋 burst into tears/burst out crying 大哭起来 sob 啜泣 be clouded with grief 阴沉的悲伤 be in low spirits 情绪低落 fall into despair 陷入绝望 feel depressed/discouraged 感到沮丧/泄气 have a worried look 愁眉苦脸 3.与“生气和怨怒”相关的词块 be very angry at 对……很生气 feel angry/annoyed 感到恼怒/生气 be seized by anger 充满愤怒 be fuming with rage 大发雷霆 tremble with anger 愤怒得颤抖 a look of burning anger 愤怒的一眼 glare at sb.怒视 flare up 勃然大怒 be in a rage 一怒之下 be mad at 对……生气 技能提升四 修辞描写 Examples of Metaphor Example 1 All religions, arts, and sciences are branches of the same tree. (Albert Einstein) Clearly, Einstein wasn’t talking about a literal tree. But he’s showing a close relationship between different topics by suggesting that they’re all part of the same living thing. He also basically raises an interesting question – if art, religion, and science are all branches, what should we call the tree’s trunk? 很明显,爱因斯坦说的不是字面意义上的树。但他通过暗示不同的主题都是同一生物的一部分,展示了它们之间的密切关系。他还提出了一个有趣的问题——如果艺术、宗教和科学都是分支的话,我们该怎么称呼树的树干呢? Example 2 That football player is really putting the team on his back this evening! Football commentators use this phrase all the time when an entire team appears to be depending on its running back. The image of a single man running hard with a whole football team on his back is an expression of hard work and dedication. 当整个球队似乎都依赖于它的跑动时,足球评论员总是使用这个短语。一个人背着整个足球队拼命奔跑的形象是努力工作和献身精神的表现。

  Example 3 She was a rock star at our last business presentation. 6 This is probably not referring to a literal rock star falling from space or the other common metaphor: a musician performing at a rock concert. Instead, it simply means the person delivered a gr...

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